May 30

International Space Station 2 passes with Cygnus OA-9

Real clear sky welcomed the two forecasted ISS passes for that evening. The first was less ideal, the result was okey but not great. This is the best frame from that first pass.

The second pass of the evening had a maximum altitude of 55°. I was out on my balcony so I missed a little bit of the pass due obstruction of the balcony above mine. But it was still the most comfortable way of doing the imaging. I just call it a lazy ISS hunt…


I knew Cygnus OA-9 cargo spacecraft is berthed to Unity module, so I was only hoping that it will be visible on my shot. Luckily it was with other spacecrafts as well…

Because of the obstruction of the balcony above I couldn’t cover the highest elevation of the pass, but still managed the capture quite a lot of sharp frames. That is always a massive advantage of lower passes over the ones close to zenith. With low elevation passes manual tracking becomes slightly easier and from the sharp frames a video can be made (below).



Skywatcher 250/1200 Flextube dobson
ASI224MC colour camera
TeleVue 2.5x powermate
MANUAL tracking


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