Moon mosaic

During my holiday in Hungary finally I found the time and clear sky to do a Moon mosaic project. When I took these shots at the very early hours on 27th July 2016, Moon just entered last quarter. Our celestial companion was 48.4% illuminated and the final photo consists of 10 mosaic panes. Had some initial troubles with stitching them together, but eventually it all went fine.

Some interesting and famous landmarks can be spot on the surface such as:

– craters like Clavius, Tycho or Longomontanus on the south, Kepler, Copernicus or Eratosthenes in the middle region and Plato (with some shadows inside the crater) or Pythagoras on the northern region

– Lunar seas like Mare Imbrium (Sea of Showers), Mare Humorum (Sea of Moisture) and Mare Nubium (Sea of Clouds) or the famous Sinus Iridum (Bay of Rainbows)

– features like Rupes Recta ( a linear fault or rille) or Montes Teneriffe near Plato crater



Skywatcher 127/1500 maksutov telescope
Zwo ASI 120MC colour camera
EQ5 mount



Moon vs. Mars apparent size comparison

Comparison of apparent size of these two celestial bodies as we see them in the sky. It seems from our point of view that Mars is slightly larger than Tycho crater (86 km in diameter). Does not represent the real scale obviously…
The Moon photo is a 6 pane mosaic photo and stitched together in Photoshop. Weather did not permit to finish the full disk mosaic, but whatever I managed to record was enough for this comparison.
Bear in mind these object were actually 17° apart from each other. I only placed them next of each other for the sake of comparison.

Apparent size of Moon on this photo: 29.4 arcminute
Apparent size of Mars on this photo: 17.7 arcsecond


Skywatcher 127/1500 MC
Zwo ASI120MC
TeleVue 2.5x powermate



Plato crater



Skywatcher 250/1200 Flextube dobson scope
Zwo ASI224MC camera
TeleVue 2.5x powermate
Baader IR-Pass filter
Eq platform



Aristoteles, Eudoxus and Burg craters


Skywatcher 250/1200 Flextube dobson scope
Zwo ASI224MC camera
TeleVue 2.5x powermate
Baader IR-Pass filter
Eq platform



Dorsum Zirkel

This area wasn’t on my imaging list, but I did some visual observation before imaging and I loved those large rocks casting amazing shadows, so I made it onto my list.


Skywatcher 250/1200 (10″) Flextube dobson scope
Zwo ASI224MC camera
TeleVue 2.5x powermate
Baader IR-Pass filter
Eq platform



Southern region in last quarter


Skywatcher 127/1500 maksutov telescope
Zwo ASI 120MC colour camera
EQ5 mount



9.1% illuminated Moon earthshine

What a beauty she was even for the naked eye! Also a star called Asellus Australis was very close to Moon.


Skywatcher 250/1200 Flextube dobson
Canon 600D



Full Moon rising over Wimbledon


Canon 600D dslr camera
75-300mm lens



“Fly me to the Moon”

Wonderful silhouette of an aircraft, causing very turbulent air behind….
EVA Air – Boeing 777-35E


Skywatcher 200/1000 scope
EQ5 mount
Canon 600D (prime focus)



This Aegean Airlines Airbus A321 aircraft just began to make its way to Heathrow after a 3 hours long journey and a few circles over south-east London.  It was such a lucky moment though.


Skywatcher 127/1500 maksutov scope
Skywatcher Allview mount
Canon 600D (prime focus)
