May 14

Soyuz MS-07 berthed to ISS two weeks before return

Uninterrupted clear morning sky at last, no racing with clouds at this time around.
Very rare occasion, when a Soyuz spacecraft – namely this time MS-07 – is so nicely illuminated, that you can see its solar panels too! On the photo below I’ve marked the spot where one can see the Soyuz.

Soyuz MS-07 is docked to the Rassvet nadir docking port. Crew members Anton Shkaplerov, Scott Tingle and Norishige Kanai were due to return to Earth on June 3rd after being on board the station for 6,5 months and roughly 2 weeks after this event they have successfully landed in Kazahstan. Safe and sound!


Time lapse close-up video made from the best frames


Skywatcher 250/1200 Flextube dobson
Zwo ASI224MC color camera
TeleVue 2.5x powermate
Manual tracking


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